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Female Fibi פיבי Edery (אדרי) Click to view Fibi פיבי Edery (אדרי) in the family tree Click to view Fibi פיבי Edery (אדרי) in the family tree in SVG format

Fibi was born in 1931 in marakeche.  Fibi's father was Meir (Ben Baha) מאיר amzallag (אמזלג) ז"ל and her mother was Eisha עיישה amzallag (אמזלג).  Her paternal grandparents were Yehuda (Ben Baha) יהודה Amzallag (אמזלג) ז"ל and Hnina חנינה Amzallag (אמזלג) ז"ל; her maternal grandparents were Shlomo שלמה Tedgui (טדגי) ז"ל and Nana ננה Tedgui (טדגי) ז"ל.  She is the oldest of eleven children.  She has two brothers and eight sisters, named yehuda  , yossi, zari, Michal, rachel, Ninete, Naomi, lilit, yafa and Shoula   .

Fibi's family with nissim נסים Edery (אדרי)

Husband's Pictures

Nissim and Fibi are married (further details are not known). They have six sons and four daughters, named Maymon, Albert, Itshac, michal, Jecki, Dina, Doudou, Shoshi, Shlomi and ilanit.

Male Maymon מימון Edery (אדרי) Eng
Maymon was born on April 10th, 1952 in Casablanca.

Male Albert אבי Edery (אדרי)
Albert was born on January 5th, 1954 in Casablanca.

Male Itshac איציק Edery (אדרי)
Itshac was born on February 13th, 1956 in Casablanca.

Female michal מיכל dadon (דדון)
michal was born on January 12th, 1958 in Casablanca.

Male Jecki ג'קי Edery (אדרי)
Jecki was born on November 5th, 1959 in Casablanca.

Female Dina דינה Levi (לוי)
Dina was born on May 23rd, 1961 in Casablanca.

Male Doudou דודו Edery (אדרי)
Doudou was born on October 1st, 1962 in sderot.

Female Shoshi Minai
Shoshi was born on April 26th, 1964 in sderot.

Male Shlomi שלומי Edery (אדרי)
Shlomi was born on February 5th, 1967 in sderot.

Female ilanit אילנית lago (לגו)
ilanit was born on September 13th, 1971 in sderot.

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