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Male Yehuda (Ben Baha) יהודה Amzallag (אמזלג) ז"ל Click to view Yehuda (Ben Baha) יהודה Amzallag (אמזלג) ז"ל in the family tree Click to view Yehuda (Ben Baha) יהודה Amzallag (אמזלג) ז"ל in the family tree in SVG format

Ben Baha's family with Hnina חנינה Amzallag (אמזלג) ז"ל

Ben Baha and Hnina were married (further details are not known). They had two sons and a daughter, named Ben Baha, Moshe and Rachel.

Male Meir (Ben Baha) מאיר amzallag (אמזלג) ז"ל
Meir, known as Ben Baha, was born in 1901 in marakeche.  He died due to natural causes or old age at the age of 80 on November 26th, 1981 in sderot.  The funeral took place in sderot.

Male Moshe משה Amzallag (אמזלג) ז"ל

Female Rachel רחל Bitton (ביטון) ז"ל

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