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Male Doudou דודו Edery (אדרי) Click to view Doudou דודו Edery (אדרי) in the family tree Click to view Doudou דודו Edery (אדרי) in the family tree in SVG format

Doudou was born on October 1st, 1962 in sderot.  Doudou's father is nissim נסים Edery (אדרי) and his mother is Fibi פיבי Edery (אדרי).  His maternal grandparents were Meir (Ben Baha) מאיר amzallag (אמזלג) ז"ל and Eisha עיישה amzallag (אמזלג).  He is the seventh of ten children.  He has five brothers and four sisters, named Maymon, Albert, Itshac, Jecki, Shlomi, michal, Dina, Shoshi and ilanit.

Doudou's family with Yael יעל Edery (אדרי)

Wife's Pictures

Doudou and Yael are married (further details are not known). They have a son and a daughter, named Naor and Tamar.

Male Naor נאור Edery (אדרי)
Naor was born on September 27th, 1990.

Female Tamar תמר Edery (אדרי)
Tamar was born on April 30th, 1994.

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