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Family Meir (Ben Baha) מאיר amzallag (אמזלג) ז"ל & Eisha עיישה amzallag (אמזלג) Click to view Meir (Ben Baha) מאיר amzallag (אמזלג) ז"ל & Eisha עיישה amzallag (אמזלג) in the family tree Click to view Meir (Ben Baha) מאיר amzallag (אמזלג) ז"ל & Eisha עיישה amzallag (אמזלג) in the family tree in SVG format

Ben Baha and Eisha were married (further details are not known). They have two sons and nine daughters, named Fibi, zari, Michal, rachel, Ninete, yehuda  , Naomi, lilit, yafa, Shoula    and yossi.

Male Meir (Ben Baha) מאיר amzallag (אמזלג) ז"ל
Meir, known as Ben Baha, was born in 1901 in marakeche.  He died due to natural causes or old age at the age of 80 on November 26th, 1981 in sderot.  The funeral took place in sderot.

Female Eisha עיישה amzallag (אמזלג)
Eisha was born in 1909 in marakeche.  She died due to diabetes at the age of 74 on September 10th, 1983.  The funeral took place in sderot.


Female Fibi פיבי Edery (אדרי)
Fibi was born in 1931 in marakeche.

Female zari זרי ohayon (אוחיון)
zari was born in 1932 in marakeche.

Female Michal מיכל Derhy (דרי)
Michal was born on July 26th, 1938 in marakeche.

Female rachel רשל ben shabat (בן שבת)
rachel was born in 1940 in marakeche.

Female Ninete נינט Aloul (אלול)
Ninete was born in 1942 in marakeche.

Male yehuda   יהודה almog (אלמוג)
yehuda   was born on December 3rd, 1946 in marakeche.

Female Naomi נעמי Bouskila (בוסקילה)
Naomi was born in 1947 in marakeche.

Female lilit לילית lahat (להט)
lilit was born on December 31st, 1950 in Casablanca.

Female yafa יפה Bar (בר)
yafa was born on January 20th, 1953 in Casablanca.

Female Shoula    שולה turjman (טורג'מן)
Shoula    was born on October 26th, 1954 in Casablanca.

Male yossi יוסי amzallag (אמזלג)
yossi was born on October 30th, 1955 in Casablanca.

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