Male Reoven ראובן Bouskila (בוסקילה) Click to view Reoven ראובן Bouskila (בוסקילה) in the family tree Click to view Reoven ראובן Bouskila (בוסקילה) in the family tree in SVG format

Reoven was born on January 1st, 1941.

Reoven's family with Naomi נעמי Bouskila (בוסקילה)

Wife's Pictures

Reoven and Naomi are married (further details are not known). They have a son and five daughters, named Routi, Annat, Orna, Irit, Yair and Sivan.

Female Routi רותי Atiyas (אטייס)
Routi was born on November 10th, 1965 in Ashkelon.

Female Annat אנט Lahmi (לחמי)
Annat was born on May 14th, 1967 in Ashkelon.

Female Orna אורנה Vaknin (וקנין)
Orna was born on March 1st, 1969 in Ashkelon.

Female Irit אירית Zvida (זבידה)
Irit was born on May 13th, 1973 in Ashkelon.

Male Yair יאיר Bouskila (בוסקילה)
Yair was born on January 26th, 1976 in Ashkelon.

Female Sivan סיון Bouskila (בוסקילה)
Sivan was born on May 19th, 1983 in Ashkelon.

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