Male Yehuda יהודה Amzallag (אמזלג) ז"ל Click to view Yehuda יהודה Amzallag (אמזלג) ז"ל in the family tree Click to view Yehuda יהודה Amzallag (אמזלג) ז"ל in the family tree in SVG format

Yehuda's father was Moshe משה Amzallag (אמזלג) ז"ל and his mother was Zohra זוהרה Amzallag (אמזלג) ז"ל.  His paternal grandparents were Yehuda (Ben Baha) יהודה Amzallag (אמזלג) ז"ל and Hnina חנינה Amzallag (אמזלג) ז"ל.  He is the second of seven children.  He has two brothers and four sisters, named Prosper, Rafael, Ester, Mari, Alice and Simi.

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