Female Meytal מיטל ohayon (אוחיון) Click to view Meytal מיטל ohayon (אוחיון) in the family tree Click to view Meytal מיטל ohayon (אוחיון) in the family tree in SVG format

Meytal was born on February 9th, 1990.  Meytal's father is gabriel גבריאל Ohayon (אוחיון) and her mother is Regin רג'ין Ohayon (אוחיון).  Her paternal grandparents are isaac יצחק ohayon (אוחיון) and zari זרי ohayon (אוחיון).  She is the fourth of eight children.  She has four brothers and three sisters, named Maor, Matan Avraham, Michael, Maoz Shmouel, Moran, Michal and Lea Moriya.

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