Male yaacob יעקב ben shabat (בן שבת) Click to view yaacob יעקב ben shabat (בן שבת) in the family tree Click to view yaacob יעקב ben shabat (בן שבת) in the family tree in SVG format

yaacob was born on February 10th, 1935 in Mogadore Essouira.  He died from cancer at the age of 71 on October 26th, 2006 in Tel Hasomer.  The funeral took place on October 26th, 2006 in Hod Hasharon.

yaacob's family with rachel רשל ben shabat (בן שבת)

Wife's Pictures

Yaacob and rachel were married (further details are not known). They had four sons and four daughters, named david, Aliza, shoshana, Meir, Yael, Sagui, haim and helen.

Male david דדה ben shabat (בן שבת)
david was born on February 9th, 1962 in Casablanca.

Female Aliza עליזה Mamo (ממו)
Aliza was born on December 3rd, 1964 in Tiberias.

Female shoshana שושנה Kimhi (קמחי)
shoshana was born on February 25th, 1965 in Tiberias.

Male Meir מאיר ben shabat (בן שבת)
Meir was born on September 27th, 1967 in Tiberias.

Female Yael יעל Zolfin (זולפין)
Yael was born on July 13th, 1968 in Tiberias.

Male Sagui שגיא ben shabat (בן שבת)
Sagui was born on August 24th, 1970 in Tiberias.

Male haim חיים ben shabat (בן שבת)
haim was born on September 29th, 1971 in Tiberias.

Female helen הלן ben shabat
helen was born in Tiberias.

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