Female Shani שני ben shabat (בן שבת) Click to view Shani שני ben shabat (בן שבת) in the family tree Click to view Shani שני ben shabat (בן שבת) in the family tree in SVG format

Shani was born on July 8th, 1986.  Shani's father is yaacob יעקב ohayon (אוחיון) and her mother is Rachel רחל Ohayon (אוחיון).  Her paternal grandparents are isaac יצחק ohayon (אוחיון) and zari זרי ohayon (אוחיון).  She is the third of six children.  She has five sisters named Nataly, Sivan, Sharon, Osnat and Avishag.

Shani's family with ben shabat

They have no children yet.

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