Female iris איריס almog (אלמוג) Click to view iris איריס almog (אלמוג) in the family tree Click to view iris איריס almog (אלמוג) in the family tree in SVG format

iris was born on July 11th, 1972.

iris' family with yair יאיר almog (אלמוג)

Husband's Pictures

Yair and iris are married (further details are not known). They have a son and three daughters, named shani, adi, roy and gili.

Female shani שני almog (אלמוג)
shani was born on February 21st, 1997.

Female adi עדי almog (אלמוג)
adi was born on May 26th, 2000.

Male roy רועי almog (אלמוג)
roy was born on May 13th, 2003.

Female gili גילי almog (אלמוג)
gili was born on May 19th, 2006.

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family history.

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